AutoPorma Chill Corner is a comfortable place to chill with the Barkada. Aside from the Unli grilled Pulutan from 6-9PM for only 50 pesos, where can you find unli grilled pulutan with 50 pesos nowadays? Well, AutoPorma it is! You will surely enjoy with the ambiance of the place, because of its car garage themed place. The Sofa tables are actual 22" rims with nitto tires, with big posters of automotive icons on the front and you gotta check out the lavatory for hand washing... it is soooooo cool! The sink is made from used car tires, the faucet is an actual stainless muffler and the handle kit to turn on the faucet is made from car gear shift. Aside from the coolness of the place, I also can't resist to play BEERPONG with my friends, well, you gotta aim sharp or else you'll end-up drunk! hahaha...
Watch out for their mixed drinks... quick 8, zero to sixty, drift, burn out, power shift... You'll love it!
AutoPorma Chill Corner will have it's grand opening tonight July 9, 2016, located at the corner of the Rotunda Golf Course (Tomas Saco Side). Door opens at 6PM and closes at 2 AM. Unlimited grilled pulutan from 6-9PM for only 50 pesos! Beer buckets and Mixed Drinks are available.
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