As a member of the Philippine Army, one can get competitive pay and allowances, opportunities for post-graduate studies both local and abroad, insurance and healthcare benefits, billeting and house privileges, job security, leadership and other skills trainings, an opportunity to lead the Army and opportunities for career advancement.
Philippine Army needs the following:
- 348 Officer Preparatory Course (OPC)
- 349 Officer Candidate Course (OCC)
- 300 Candidate Soldier Course (CSC)
Pre-Entry Examinations (AFPSAT only) Schedule in Davao:
Date & Venue: 3-7 April 2018-AFPSAT-(07:00AM), NFEM, Camp Panacan, Davao City
Qualifications are the following:
- Age requirements:
- For civilians - 21 to 33
- For Enlisted Personnel - 21 to 36
- Must be a graduate of POTC with a reserve rank of 2LT
- Baccalaureate degree holder
- Enlisted Personnel who have not yet completed one (1) term can now apply
- Filipino
- Minimum height is 5 feet.
- Physically and mentally fit.
Salary upon entry:
Officer Candidate: P41,696.00
2nd Lieutenant: P49,906.00
- 21 to 29 years of age upon admission ( no age waiver)
- Enlisted Personnel who have not yet completed one (1) term can now apply
- Baccalaureate degree holder
- Single and never been married, never borne or sired a child
- Height of not less than 5’0ft(152.4cm) both male and female but not more than 6’4(193.04cm)
- Filipino
- Physically and mentally fit.
Salary upon entry:
Officer Candidate: P41,696.00
2nd Lieutenant: P49,906.00
- 18 – 25 years old
- 72 units in college (For Female)
- If High School graduate only, must posses a certified skill needed in the military service (For Male)
- Single and never been married, never borne or sired a child
- Physically and mentally fit
Salary upon entry:
Candidate Soldier: P33,327.00
Private: P37,038.00
Private: P37,038.00
Requirements for taking the AFPSAT are the following:
- NSO Birth Certificate (Orig)
- Transcript of Records and Diploma (Orig)
- Diploma w/ Form 137-A & Certification of Skill (TESDA) (for High School Graduate (Male) Orig
- Valid ID (orig)
- Two (2) 2x2 Picture (Orig)
For more information, contact:
0927-332-1077 / 0915-682-4025
visit their Facebook Page at:
visit their office at:
Army Recruitment Office Mindanao,
Camp Evangelista, Patag,
Cagayan de Oro City
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