Persons Recommended to Stay at home – Persons below 18 years old, over sixty-five years old, pregnant women, those with immunodeficiency, comorbidity, or other health risks, except for obtaining essential goods and services or for work.
Gatherings – Outdoor and indoor gatherings with persons out of your immediate household remain prohibited. However, religious gatherings shall be allowed up to 10% of the venue capacity.
Schools – Face-to-face or in-person classes shall be suspended. We recommend improving on your home internet or if you absolutely need a new home-schooling gadget you may apply for a loan from Landbank.
Transportation – Road, rail, maritime, and aviation sectors of the public transportation sector may operate. Biking is encouraged. Couriers, delivery services, and public transportation services like GrabCar are allowed to operate. You can get essential goods and services even without having to leave your home by using these grocery apps.
ID Requirements – IDs proving a place of work or Quarantine passes will be recognized when required by LGU. It’s recommended that you have your existing Quarantine pass with you when you go out.
Restaurants – Restaurants may operate however only take-our and pick-ups are allowed.
Curfew hours – A unified curfew may be imposed by LGUs.
Facilities not permitted to operate – Entertainment venues with live performances, recreational venues, Amusement parks, outdoor sports courts of venues for contact sports, indoor sports courts, indoor leisure centers, casinos, an indoor visitor of tourist attractions, conference or exhibition venues, personal care establishments such as parlors, spas, and similar establishments.
1. Minimum public health standards shall be complied with at all times for the duration of the MGCQ.
2. The movement of all persons shall be limited to accessing goods and services from permitted establishments, for work in such establishments, or for such other activities allowed in this section. (As amended by Paragraph A(4)(a) of IATF Resolution No. 43, June 03, 2020, and further amended by Paragraph C of IATF Resolution No. 110, April 15, 2021)
3. Any person below fifteen (15) years old, those who are over sixty-five (65) years of age, those with immunodeficiency, comorbidity, or other health risks, and pregnant women shall be required to remain in their residences at all times; Provided, that all activities and movements allowed under other Sections of these Guidelines for the foregoing persons under stricter forms of community quarantine shall continue to be permitted under MGCQ. (As amended by Paragraph A(4)(b) of IATF Resolution No. 43, June 03, 2020, Paragraph A of IATF Resolution No. 79, October 15, 2020, Paragraph B(8) of IATF Resolution No. 84, November 19, 2020, and by Paragraph B of IATF Resolution No. 95, January 21, 2021. Lowering of age-based restrictions suspended pursuant to IATF Resolution No. 96, January 26, 2021)
4. All private offices may be allowed to operate anywhere between fifty (50%) to one hundred percent (100%) on-site capacity while encouraging work-from-home and other flexible work arrangements, where applicable.
5. The following establishments, persons, or activities shall not be permitted to operate, work, or be undertaken during MGCQ:
a. Entertainment venues such as karaoke bars, bars, clubs, concert halls, and theaters;
b. Fairs/Peryas, kid amusement industries such as playgrounds, playroom, and kiddie rides; and
c. Cockfighting and operation of cockpits, except for the sole purpose of conducting e-sabong licensed and regulated by the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation.
The foregoing is likewise without prejudice to the authority of DTI to issue a negative list of industries that shall remain prohibited even in areas under MGCQ.
6. All construction projects shall be allowed subject to strict compliance with the construction safety guidelines issued by the DPWH.
7. Agencies and instrumentalities of the government shall be fully operational and shall operate at a minimum of fifty percent (50%) up to full on-site capacity as determined by the head of the agency, in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations issued by the CSC.
8. The co-equal or independent authority of the legislature (Senate and the House of Representatives), the judiciary (the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Court of Tax Appeals, Sandiganbayan, and the lower courts), the Office of the Ombudsman, and the Constitutional Commissions, to implement any alternative work arrangements, is recognized.
9. Officials and employees of foreign diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited by the DFA may operate at full on-site capacity.
10. Only hotels or accommodation establishments with valid DOT Accreditation shall be allowed to accommodate guests and clients for legitimate purposes under a state of a public health emergency. The operations of such hotels and accommodation establishments, as well as ancillary establishments within their premises such as restaurants, cafés, gyms, spas, function halls, and the like, shall be subject to guidelines issued by the DOT and the IATF. (As amended by Paragraph C(2)(4) of IATF Resolution No. 95, January 15, 2021)
11. Gatherings shall be allowed up to fifty percent (50%) of the seating or venue capacity. Provided, that participants shall strictly observe the minimum public health standards, and the establishments or venues where the gatherings will take place shall strictly comply with ventilation standards as provided for under relevant issuances of the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE).
12. Face-to-face or in-person classes for basic education shall be suspended. The basic education sector shall operate in accordance with the guidelines of DepEd. Limited face-to-face or in-person classes for higher education and technical vocational education and training may be allowed, subject to the guidelines of CHED and TESDA, respectively. (As amended by Paragraph A(4)(e) of IATF Resolution No. 43, June 03, 2020, and amended by Paragraph C of IATF Resolution No. 47, June 19, 2020)
13. The road, rail, maritime, and aviation sectors of public transportation shall be allowed to operate at such capacity and protocols in accordance with guidelines issued by the DOTr. The use of active transportation such as biking is encouraged. (As amended by Paragraph D(7)(b) IATF Resolution No. 94, January 14, 2021)
14. Law enforcement agencies shall recognize any of the following IDs: (i) IATF IDs issued by the regulatory agencies with jurisdiction over permitted establishments or persons, (ii) valid IDs or other pertinent documentation issued by accrediting organizations or establishments allowed under MGCQ, and, (iii) if required by the LGU, local IDs for availing of essential goods and services. No other IDs or passes specifically exempting persons from community quarantine shall be required of workers of permitted establishments and/or offices without prejudice to requiring the presentation of other documents establishing the nature of their work. (As amended by Paragraph B IATF Resolution No. 46, June 15, 2020, and Paragraph B of IATF Resolution no. 106-B, March 28, 2021)
15. The movement of cargo/delivery vehicles, as well as vehicles used by public utility companies, shall be unhampered. Shuttle services of permitted establishments shall not be subject to an ID system but shall maintain compliance with minimum public health standards. (As amended by Paragraph B of IATF Resolution no. 106-B, March 28, 2021)
16. Indoor and outdoor non-contact sports are allowed. Non-contact sports refer to a sport or activity in which participants are physically separated throughout its duration, thus minimizing the possibility of making any form of purposeful or accidental physical contact. Provided, that, where applicable, the minimum public health standards such as the wearing of masks and the maintenance of social distancing, and no sharing of equipment, are observed. For this purpose, those below 15 years of age and above 65, may be allowed outdoor non-contact sports and other forms of exercise. (As amended by Paragraph A(4)(c) of IATF Resolution No. 43, June 03, 2020, and Paragraph B of IATF Resolution No. 56, July 16, 2020)
17. Any violation of the foregoing prohibitions shall constitute non-cooperation of the person or entities punishable under Section 9 par. (d) or (e), as the case may be, of Republic Act No. 11332, otherwise known as the Mandatory Reporting of Notifiable Diseases and Health Events of Public Health Concern Act, and its Implementing Rules and Regulations. (As introduced by Paragraph C of IATF Resolution no. 106-B, March 28, 2021)
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